Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Digital Edits

These are all digital images saved as JPEGs that I made by altering my thumbnail drawings that I scanned onto my laptop. I think the aim was to see if I had a preference over colour for my final point of sale pieces. So far I have only come up with ideas for lemon and orange. I am finding lavender difficult because wind or air is how i envision the lavender smells getting to use, not juice of lavender (which isn't really an actual thing unless your making essential oils)

I have created two prototype mock up example of what my point of sale posters will look like. I have decided that boxes made from wood will be used to house my work in. A back panel behind all the card/paper will be used to attach fairy lights or led strips on to it. Hopefully the led strips, if used, will have enough adhesive on them to begin with that I wont need to do much to them to make them stick.
My point of sale posters are also going to be all of one colour. If I manage to design the cut outs chunky enough, i wont need to add in other colours as the light with change the shades of the card anyway.

note: whilst putting up my exhibition space I now realise that it was a good thing I did not make three point of sale back lit pieces because my space has three walls so to speak and my hexagon shelf sits neatly in the middle of the two back lit boxes.

Above are some colour ideas that I considered when setting up my exhibition. I had originally planned to create a patterned background but as stated above, I thought it would be distracting and unclear.

 Above are the poster ideas I was thinking about, adding in tiles and tree pattern as well as trying out other repetitive patterns for the backdrop behind my paper cuts.

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