Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Experimenting with the papercuts

After completing WOSAT I started to experiment with alternative patterns and imagery that could be used to promote the fragrances used in my candles.

gold tissue paper was used for this one to tie it into the gold lids of the hexagon jars.

same pattern as above but with a white background

1 of the 2 layered lemons made from lots of tiny lemons cut out and overlapped

The second layered lemon, made same way as above, cutting out small lemons and gluing down on top of each other. Lemon shapes were slightly larger this time and came out neater too.

I wanted to find more textures so I ended up crumpling up the lemon cut out. I was quite pleased with the result.

Working with negative space.

Working with negative space. This one looks like a hypnotic eye to me.

I worked on some orange and lavender paper cuts but I feel that they need some more work and attention to them as they are much weaker than the lemon paper cuts.

The top image was originally a sunset scene with light clouds and a tree branch. I have used part of a dream catcher (left image above) to become the setting sun and then I have exaggerated the clouds using parts of the dream catcher background. The left image above has been combined with the top image with the setting sun used as part of the dream catcher and the tree branch has been added to follow the curvature of the feather. The right image above has been combined with the clouds from the two pictures below. I used the clouds because they are often fantasied in a dream like state and dream catchers capture the fragmented dreams.

These are only two pictures which I have placed down ladscape and portrait. I find that the top left image is better than its landscape alternative, which was the original idea. I find that it is better because the black parts of the image look almost as if it is a scruffy feather with the clouds in the background.
The bottom right image was the original idea for this image and I still prefer it from its portrait alternative. In  it I see the tops of houses with smoke coming out from them.
These collage pieces above were originally 5 drawings made on black paper canvas with soft pastels as the medium. They were created in response to some of my sunset images that I took for Digital Environment Project which included cloud lapses and sunsets in trees as well as dream catchers caught in the sunset. As the dream catchers are in this project too I will now continue further combine my experimental pieces with paper cutting, soft pastels and collage and further develop my fragrance images.

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