Monday 27 April 2015

Final Decisions for WOSAT

I haven't been able to experiment much with my sticker designs but I will do so after WOSAT, for now I have to make a decision and start printing out the stickers.

Above are the three fragrances that I will be using in my candles; lavender, lemon and orange.

The images above show the small changes that I applied to the lemon and the orange stickers. When I did print these designs out I found that the text underneath the beeswax candle fragrance was too small to read. Not only did the text size need altering, but the square stickers had less of an impact when compared to the longer rectangular sticker. I decided to choose the rectangle sticker to develope further.


Above are the final sticker designs that I chose. The lemon sticker ended up being dulled down and having a darker boarder around the fruit to make it stand out more from the background. Yellow on yellow for the lemon sticker may not be the best idea as the colours tend to blend too much so maybe I should rethink the colour pallet. The lavender beeswax candle sticker is still my favourite as it works well as a small square sticker or a rectangle. The lemon and orange stickers don't have such an impact when they are on a rectangle or square sticker because they can only go so wide and would look too distorted if made longer.

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