Monday, 20 April 2015

designing the labels

now i know which scents i am using for the candles and the lip balms i can start designing them.

what's the fragrance
what will be the colours
where will the label go
what is the content

Lemon Beeswax Candle
 Mrs Meyers Lemon Soy Candle
Mrs Meyers Lemon Soy Candle

Label on the bottom and around the top of the jar. The bottom label is effective as it has the barcode and the caution warnings too. Doesn't say if it has a fragrance though but colour gives away indications that it has a lemon fragrance.

Woodwick Lemon Candle

The wood wick candle is much more decorative which stands out more. The colours give away the fragrance as well as the clear labeling for the smell. Inside the lid is decorative too and has the caution label.

Lemon Honey Candle
The candle above in the mason jar has effective labels. The lid is decorative but plain, I can see my own logo going on the lid. The fragrance label is big enough to read but doesn't cover up the rest of the jar, which is what I don't want to do either. I want to be able to see the wax melting and how much is left without having to peer around a label or into the jar.

Lemon Scented Candle

 This candle brand has a different colour and illustration on the side of the box for each scent. I find this style the most appealing as all the info is on one side and then the decorative part is on another,

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